1. I love being a Mama! I thank God every day for blessing me with my baby boy. I can honestly say I don't remember a time in my life when I was more fulfilled than I am now. He makes me happier than I have ever even thought about being and one day I pray I will be able to bless him with a brother or a sister. Lord help us all ..... if it is a boy all I can think TWO BOYS????? If it a girl...... BROKE, BROKE, BROKE!
2. I love to sing. I don't claim that I can but I do claim that I do. I guess I would have to say that it is my vice- some people smoke, some people drink, I on the other hand scream to the top of my lungs on highway 14 on my way to and from work.
3. I check on Brody way to much at night and am
embarrassed to say he STILL wants a bottle at 2:00 a.m. I guess I want him to be a "baby" as long as he can. I go in his room at least 3 times
between 10 pm and 4 am. Yes - I know
I'm OCD.
4. I hate Bananas- can't stand them.. nope not a bit.
5. I don't like my husband working shift work- I am a bit
jealous. I would rather have him all to my self at night and on the weekends. It is so nice when he is on days to feel like you have a normal life.
6. I miss my
PawPaw- I miss his smell, his big mouth, his yelling, his hugs, his kisses, his saying's, his voice, his stories (true and false) his
opinion on life and most of all I just miss him.
7. I am an outside girl- sitting at home on the coach is for the birds. Adam and I love the beach- If we could move our entire family we would live down there in a heart beat!
8. My love- my husband. We have been together going on 11 years, married for 6. He spoils me rotten, built me a home and a family. What more could I ever ask for except for all the fish in the ocean to
disappear. :)
9. I love my job - not many people can say that. I have an awesome boss and love the
people I work with. Even though there are days I could pull my hair out- I wouldn't trade it for the world.
10. Last but not least- I have the best family in the world. I don't know what I would do without them. Working an hour away from home with an 18 month old requires help. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to know you have people standing in line ready for your call if you need them. I know how blessed I am and I thank GOD for it every day.
SOOOOO..... there it is. Some of my secrets for all to see.