Monday, January 19, 2009


During Christmas Adam's brother Nick brought his guitar to our family dinner and Brody fell in love with it and hasn't stoped playing it since. He absolutely loves it! It only has four stings and is sooooo out of tune it isn't even funny. But believe me that doesn't matter to Brody. Every night when we get home he runs into the office and starts strumming the stings and Lord help if Adam picks it up and starts playing he will dance himself silly. The other night I bet he danced for 30 minutes non stop. When Adam would start he would start crying.... and ya'll have to understand this thing sounds like a dying dog. It is awful! On a more serious note I would like to thank everyone for your calls and prayers for Daddy. They Doctor told him today he should get to come home tomorrow or Wednesday ifffffff he keeps progressing. We still don't have all the test result but we should know more hopefully very soon! LOVE-MS

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